Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

nanny update

It's amazing to think that we have already completed one year of having a nanny.  That extra person that helps keep the kids clean, fed, entertained, learning Spanish, and also manages to do a little laundry and wash the dishes.  We went back and forth on the nanny versus daycare dilemma and ultimately our desire for the kids to learn another language really outweighed everything else.  The nanny has the added bonus of not having to label all their stuff and pack them up every morning.  I'm not sure how exactly that would have fit into the schedule...  We had a great year with G.  No regrets.  She quit the Friday before MLK Day (sorry to keep you in the dark so long!).

Amazingly, our new nanny started on Tuesday after MLK Day.  She would have started Monday, except that D and I had the day off.  We didn't miss a single beat!  A miracle of miracles.  G had been sick in December of last year and while she was out, we had two different nannies come help out.  We thought it was great because we had some backup caregivers for the future in case G got sick or had to take her daughter to the dentist, whatever the case may be.  They got to know the kids and our house.  Little did we know we'd be in the market a few weeks later for a replacement for G.  We happened to learn that one of our backups from December, M, was unhappy with her job.

So, on Thursday, I had a strange conversation with G.  There were a couple things that I needed to ask her to be more careful about (like cleaning the sippy cups because a couple still had black stuff in them--ew), which I did.  She responded by asking if we could be home 15-30 minutes earlier every day and also wanted me to put the kids into various classes and buy them more things because she said they're bored.  (?!)  I told her that they had plenty of stuff and that if she didn't know what to do with them, I could come up with a list of activities for her to do with them, which I did.  I also contacted M and asked her if she would be interested in a full time job.  I just sensed that G was going to quit.  Mommy instincts, I suppose.

Sure enough, on Friday, she decided to go back to her old job at the school.  And immediately.  I went back and forth between being annoyed that she didn't give more notice and feeling that if she had already checked out, I probably didn't want her taking care of the kids, anyway.  And then when M started right away, it just worked out well for everyone.  We left it all on good terms and while it was a good year, I think everyone is better off. 

We're looking forward to the next season and our new relationship.  There will inevitably be some ups and downs, but so far it's been great, for which we are incredibly grateful.

Monday, January 21, 2013

age convergence

Look at these guys! They are turning into kids before our very eyes.

We don't have to take Sippy cups anymore and they can handle grown up cups with straws!

They're running and play on their own without our having to entertain them 100% of the time. It's happening. They're growing up. Everyone said it would happen. And it's really fun! I love seeing the changes that each day brings. Seeing them learn and be excited by their new interactions with the world.

And I love how much fun it is to play with them. Just as they're turning from babies into kids, we get to set aside our adult behavior from time to time and turn into kids.

The weather has been so amazingly gorgeous, that has recently meant lots of time playing outside at the park. Going down slides. Watching the birds. Meeting and playing with other kids and their parents. It also means dancing every time music starts playing. Eating pb&j for dinner. And generally just not thinking about that loan agreement that needs to be read for work, the laundry that needs to be done, the bill that needs to be paid...and just playing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Sylvia and Rafael got invited to another set of twins' birthday party. And it was a blast for everyone. They ran around and played for a solid hour. Foam pit, trampolines, tumbling run, hula hoops, slide, repeat. We all slept well when it was over.

YouTube Video

Saturday, January 12, 2013

other cousins

I can't believe I didn't share these gems from our holiday visit with D's bro's kids.They had SO much fun playing with Pablo and his marble toy. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

first hair trim!

So, a good mom would have taken a picture of the bangs hanging into his eyes before the trim, but you just get the after. I opted to not take him to sit in a chair screaming and fidgeting while a stranger pretends like everything is just hunky dory and we just attacked the bangs during breakfast one morning.  Thank goodness for curly hair!  It didn't have to be perfectly straight, just close enough.  I have to say, I think it turned out just fine!  Not that I'm going to try my skills on D or anything.

P.S. Here is a pic of Rafa that my sis-in-law took LAST month, so you can guess what it was like before the trim...

Thursday, January 10, 2013


We are fortunate to have one set of cousins 10 minutes away. I love watching the kids together. They are ALMOST to the age where they will play with others and not just play individually next to others. When they get there, it will be really fun to get them together. For now, we enjoy the few special moments of interaction that we get.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I'm not entirely sure why this moment really struck me as wonderful and worth capturing and sharing.  But, there was just something fun about seeing the kiddos sharing a seat, doing the same thing, sharing the same moment.  I guess this is the joy of twins in the hope and dream that they will be best friends for a long time, that they will always have each other.  And as we have all been through the ups and downs of relationships and the search for companionship, it's fun to celebrate and cherish that they might have it ready-made.

And then Rafa fell off the side of the cooler and the moment was gone. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Rafa loves books. Both kids do. But Rafa can sit by himself and look at books for longer than any other activity. Oh, to know what goes on in that little brain. I finally figure out (how did it take so long?!) to let him look at a book while I brush his teeth. If only there was a way to get him to eat while reading...

This is not a great clip, but I just caught him entertaining myself and it made me smile.

YouTube Video

Friday, January 4, 2013

baby love

There's just something about baby love that invades the heart.  If you are like I was just a few years ago and rarely spent any time with babies or toddlers, I encourage you to.  And do it without reservation.  Be silly.  Just let yourself go.  Open your heart. 

Part of having twins for me has been learning to receive from others.  We've received meals, babysitting, clothes, but most of all love.  Love for us and for our babies.  It took some learning.  I felt guilty at first while knowing that I needed the help, all the while trying to figure out how I would pay back this debt of gratitude that I was feeling.  I've tried to be a good friend to all those that have helped and hopefully if there was any resentment for giving without receiving, I've offset that some.  But, recently, I'm starting to think that maybe the twoddlers have paid some of that debt for me. 

The past few days, life has slowed down a little and I've ignored some "responsibilities" and I've embraced more of those moments to be present with my sweet, wonderful children.  The result, I have moments when I feel like my heart is going to explode.  There is nothing like, what our dear friend, Candy, calls baby love.  She has poured out her heart loving on our babies.  And, in return, I hope and believe that she has also had moments when her heart feels like exploding snuggling or giggling with the twoddlers.  She has received baby love.  I hope you can get you some, too.  Be careful, though, it's a pretty strong emotion, so only open up for it if you're really ready for it.

And, this might be the scene as you depart from your baby love (as captured by Candy after a baby love visit):

They just might not want you to go!  But, they'll be waiting when you come back with warm hugs and laughter and new tricks!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

a little ocd?...

Sylvia decided not to wait for us to clean up after mealtime.  Those kids are like sponges.  Somehow she figured out that food on the floor belongs in the trash can.  Not something we taught.  I wonder what else they are learning just by watching us.  Yikes!