Saturday, December 28, 2013

chatter and teamwork

Sylvia and Rafa are now having full on conversations with each other. We love listening to the fun things they say to each other. We also love how much they are starting to help each other and sometimes learn to share.

We often tell the one who wants what the other has to ask nicely an wait until the possessor is finished. Sometimes that works. And the possessor is now learning that that means that they need to give up the prize possession. Of course it's good to see them do that under our instruction and watchful eye, but it's even better to see them share of their own accord. It doesn't happen often, but it's pretty magical when it does.

The increase in speech and interaction also means that they are starting to discover teamwork. Rafa really wanted a ball that was begun his crib. So, Sylvia went to help him by moving is crib. Until the leg hit the edge of the carpet. So, she asked Rafa to help and they tried together. While I love seeing the teamwork and cooperation form, I know I will pay for it later!...

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