Sunday, March 30, 2014

family fun

All the cousins were together again last weekend. We thought it would be a good idea to take the 7 youngest ones (4 and under) to a museum... Despite any fears we may have had, the kids were on fantastic behavior and everyone had a good time. It was really a special thing to me to be walking along with this little pack of children hanging out together. Hopefully we're creating some beautiful memories.

On another trip to a museum, this time the children's museum, I found Rafa and Sylvia had moved these two rocking dogs together and thought it was too precious to not capture.

As was their make believe feast.

Today we went to Oma and Gong-Gong's house and Oscar made sure that he wasn't left out of the fun and bellied right up.

These are the beautiful moments that photos will help us preserve. I'm grateful for that!


  1. Omgoodness!! Can't believe they're 2.5 already! All 3 are so adorable!! Miss you and love your blog.

  2. I know! Thank you very much. Miss you, too!
