Wednesday, January 28, 2015

clever rafa

Yesterday, we enjoyed the glorious weather outside. I was hanging out on the porch with the kids. Just before going inside to change clothes, D told Rafa not to slam the gate shut because it could break. Sylvia and I were chatting or who knows what. This conversation ensued.  R: Mommy, can you please go sit on the stairs? 
Me: why do you want me to sit on the stairs?
R: Mommy, can you please go sit on the stairs? 
Me: I would like to keep playing with Sylvia. 
R: Can you please sit way over there? (Pointing far away on the porch banister) 
[Clearly, something is up.]
Me: Why do you want me to sit over there?
R: (with simple logic and no sense of doing anything wrong, just giving the explanation that was requested) I want you to sit so you can't see what I'm doing. 
Me: Rafa!  (surpressing a chuckle)  The rule doesn't change just because I can't see you. You still can't do what Mommy or Papi ask you not to do. 
R: Can you please go inside?

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