Monday, April 6, 2015

holy week recap

So, I tried to tell the stories of holy week to the kids to help them get excited about our celebrations or have some context or because it made me feel a little better about stuffing them with chocolate and candy and sending them running on egg hunts.  I didn't try to explain those rituals, however.

In any case, here's the recap I got from them when I wanted to see what they might have learned:

Maundy Thursday
C: what are we celebrating tomorrow?
S: the day Jesus entered Jerusalem!
C: how do we celebrate and remember that day?
R: we waive palm branches
C: what did Jesus do in Jerusalem?
S: he rode on a donkey
R: with Mary, she held him in his arms
C: then what happened?
S: Jesus died on the cross
C: then what?
R: they put him in the cave with the lions
C: then what?
R: then he went into the sky
C: to be with whom?
S: with God
C: who else gets to go to heaven?
R: I do!  And Sylvia!  and Mami!  And Papi!  And Tia Candy!