Thursday, June 14, 2012

mama hen

I wrote this while on the trip, but apparently it didn't post.

A couple ladies were transfixed by the twinfants today. Sylvia, unfortunately, was über tired. So she was fussing. Rafa has started coming into his social self and charmed the ladies thoroughly. Then, one of the ladies started calling Sylvia a term that means she's a bad kid but doesn't have a good English translation. Bad in that she was crying and not going to sleep etc., but a little bit of a term of endearment as she tried to make Sylvia laugh and smile. I know she didn't really mean that Sylvia is a bad kid, but my protective heart went into overdrive. I wanted to explain that she was only crying because she was tired. And we weren't able to put her down for a nap. I wanted everyone to think that my baby is an angel and not have these even slightly negative thoughts. Mama hen instincts. I know this is just the beginning.

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