Monday, September 28, 2015

long distance communication

The Vassariños are really into taking pictures these days. We took a bunch of selfies to send to Papi while he's away.

Modern technology is pretty amazing. Half a world away and with a few glitches and connection challenges, we still get to live chat at least once a day.

I love watching the kids hold my phone and tell Papi about their day and hear about what's on their minds. Now that's entertaining. We even put the phone on the floor while we're playing and it somewhat strangely feels like our whole family is together. If only he could do the dishes remotely...

Friday, September 25, 2015

2 years...and then some

I finally got O in for his 2 year checkup. Almost 2 months late. Ah, poor third child...

For whatever reason, I thought he was tall for his age. Turns out, he's average. And I feel like this measurement is more accurate because he's standing instead of the random pen marking. Perhaps R won't end up being heaps shorter than his sibs after all!

O's stats:
H: 35" (55%)
W: 28 lb (44%)
HC: 19" (35%)

And everything checked out healthy. Thank you, God!

more technical difficulties

I didn't realize that all these old posts didn't post. So, they're all just coming in a bunch, now. I'll try to be better about verifying that they go up...

thank god

Vassariños' convo pulling out of the driveway 

- ciao, ciao house! 
- the house will be sad and will be all alone because our whole family is leaving (for a couple hours, not permanently)
- but, the house will be okay because God will always be with the house

single mom

D is off to China for a business trip.  Thank goodness for modern technology!

I was a little nervous about a month ago about having the kids all to myself for a couple weeks. But, as it got closer, I got more confident that it's not a big deal. It certainly helps that the twins are getting more and more independent. They are much more helpful with all the 'tasks' and change their clothes themselves, potty themselves, buckle themselves in the car...  It's amazing how much each act of independence reduces my exhaustion. 

Everything was going well until day 2. Less than 48 hours in and S got the stomach bug. I guess it was too much to hope that we could make it 2 weeks at the beginning of school without a sick kid. It did mean that I had one of the easiest and earliest bedtimes in a long time!  But then I had to go back in when she got sick again. So, not entirely sure it's a victory. 

Please pray for quick healing, that the other Vassariños (and I!) don't catch it, and a safe and successful trip for D!

post shot treat

And not just because Mami has a strong penchant for ice cream...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

4 yrs

R & S are now 4!  So, here are their stats:

H: 3'2" (11%)
W: 34lb 6oz (36%)

H: 3'4" (62%)
W: 36lb 6oz (62%)

They had a great appointment.  Eye test, hearing test, 4 SHOTS!  FOUR!  I was really proud of them.  They did really well.  R went first and screamed a little when it happened, but recovered fairly quickly afterwards.  S tried SO hard to be strong and mostly just said in her regular volume voice (which is admittedly a little loud) "OW, OW, OW" and only let out a little whimper, but said immediately afterwards that it didn't hurt at all.  We have been going through a challenging time with them recently (throwing toys at the nanny), so it was really nice that as we made our way out, I overheard the nurse say to another nurse, "That was the best four year old checkup, EVER."  That doesn't mean that their other behavior is any better, but it did make me feel good as a momma. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

one of my favorite things

Listening to D during nighttime story time for the Vassariños. We've started including O in the group story time and I think it's a beautiful thing for them to all share. 

theater fun

We took R and S to see The Little Mermaid for their first major theater production. They were prepped with the movie viewing and storybook the night before, so they were ready and excited.  We invited a couple of their friends and cousin Bella to join us, so it was a full on party!  They did really well sitting for the whole show, just a little restless, but settled down when we moved them into Mami and Papi's laps. We didn't complain about the extra snuggle time. Then tonight, Rafa sang one of the songs in the bathtub. It made my heart sing. 

R wanted a pic with his Papi. So cute. He's starting to ask for Papi more, which is really fun to see.