Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy 4 months!!

The kiddos are now 4 months old. They both smile that pure joy smile that melts everyone's hearts. It's fine to watch people's reactions when we are out. There's something about babies that makes people smile. an then when they realize it's two, they typically gasp. Some out of joy and others out of fear. We went in for Sylvia's ultrasound today. They couldn't find the hernia. It sounded like something had to be herniated for them to identify it, so there's a chance there's still a problem. We will get in touch with the surgeon to see what's next. I think the options are, don't have surgery an wait an see what happens, risk being that if the ovary get strangulated, we would have to have emergency surgery and it could affect her fertility. Or go into surgery, but there might not actually be anything to fix. We see the pedi on Monday, so we'll also find out if this is something that could heal on its own. Uncle time:

Rafa with Uncle Andrew at the Texans game.

Sylvia with Uncle John at Rice U. Either playing together or fighting over the same toy. You make the call:

Good thing we have two!

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