Tuesday, April 24, 2012

adventures in food consumtion

Our kids are very good eaters. So far, they have eaten pretty much everything we've fed them. It might not last, but hopefully we can get them to taste a number of different flavors so that they won't be picky eaters (unlike their mom as a kid...).

Sylvia typically is a more voracious eater than Rafa, although that might be in part be she does everything with a little more gusto.

We just started introducing breakfast. They get baby cereal with the nanny at lunch and new foods at dinner (mostly veggies). Yesterday was quinoa with mango and applesauce for breakfast. I had some. It's delish!

Tonight was another attempt at finger foods. Blueberries and broccoli. The blueberries were tart and their faces were fantastic. Neither really wants to feed themselves. They mostly just played with the food and opened their mouths like birds waiting for us to feed them.

We are also trying to get them to drink from the sippy cup. Unfortunately, the nanny thinks bottles are cute, so I'm not sure how much help I'm getting from her on the sippy cup training. She did say that they are learning to hold their own bottles, so at least there's that.

And a pic of dad two fisting.

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