Tuesday, May 22, 2012

big eyes

Rafa got so excited about dinner, he kept eating and eating and eating. And his eyes were bigger than his tummy. Truly. The excuse from these negligent parents who stuffed him is that I started feeding him, then had to leave for a meeting, so D finished. And we serve them out of the same bowl, because it's easier, so we can't tell exactly how much they've consumed. And they usually tell us when they're full. Rafa by screaming, Sylvia by buzzing her lips. Or whatever it's called that horn players do that involves spit and whatever food is in her mouth to go spraying. They should know to stop eating, right??! I hope this isn't a sign of intelligence... And not just because their mom does, on occasion, eaten until her stomach hurts... The apple doesn't fall far, and all that. Of course Rafa barely noticed his purging and happily went on playing. D was the one left with a world of mess. I received a text that said, "Rafa ralphed." I had abandoned D just in the nick of time, it turns out.


Kelly S said...

What were you feeding him?

David Vassar said...

I believe it was mostly yogurt. At least, that's the part that had to be cleaned up. Apparently it was delicious.