Wednesday, September 5, 2012

the latest antics

Sylvia and Rafael change so quickly! Since I haven't posted in awhile, I feel like I have a million things to get caught up on here.  Here are a few things that come to mind about what's going on.

- loves, loves, loves being upside down
- loves, loves, loves being tossed in the air
- loves, loves, loves being swung around (notice the theme?)
- eats everything. And quickly. Without chewing. In just about every meal, she'll choke some food down to the point that her eyes water. She also has a tendency to put so much food in her mouth at one time that she physically can't chew or swallow
- eats books. She's in a war with her father whose mission as a dad is to teach her to respect books. Guess who's winning.
- is a restless sleeper, tossing and turning during the night and wakes up for a few seconds every once in awhile, so she likes to sleep in in the morning.
- today on the way to and from music class, she started spontaneously cracking up in the car.  SO much better than the screaming that we're accustomed to in the car.
- sings with us.  Melts our hearts.

- loves, loves, loves being held (especially by his mama)
- HATES being strapped in a chair, particularly the carseat. I think it's more because it means the mama hugs are going away, but the reason doesn't affect the volume.
- is starting to wake up earlier than early. He probably loves his 2 on 1 time while his sister snoozes.
- still likes to stare.  We hope the hamster is running in the wheel in his head when he does that.
- has started vocalizing.  It'll take awhile before he catches up with chatty Sylvia, but he's starting to express himself vocally, which is fun.
- did I mention he likes cuddling?  Love it.
- has 8 teeth!  One more than his sister.  Who said girls develop faster?  Sylvia 536, Rafa 1...

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