Tuesday, May 3, 2016

near miss

The twins have been pretty good about practicing the violin.  I rarely get resistance and it is generally overcome with feeble attempts at games, because they're 4, so the bar is low. 

Last night, R was doing a strong job at avoiding practicing.  And I got frustrated.  And I told him that if he wouldn't practice the violin, I'd stop paying for classes and we wouldn't go anymore and I'd return the violin.

To which he responded: Santa brought me the violin.


Then me: Well, Santa will be really sad if you don't play the gift that he brought you and he'll want another kid who wants to play have yours.

I may have ruined Christmas.

Oh, well.  Not the baby Jesus in a manger part at least...  Have I mentioned that S named one of her baby dolls 'baby Jesus'?...  That probably needs a post all to its own...

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