Thursday, February 23, 2012

more about sleep

The glory days of long hours of sleep are but a memory. Sylvia has sleep regressed. Hopefully it's just a growth spurt and will be over soon, but it could also be teething, her cold, poor naps, or a whole variety of things. She also is breaking out of her swaddle, but can't put herself back to sleep without it. Here is how I found her at one point tonight.

Which is why we're awake now since she woke up and couldn't go back to sleep until we reswaddled. Not a crutch we love but all attempts to wean her from it have been woefully unsuccessful. We'll try again at 6 months. Rafael, on the other hand, is starting to learn to sleep without it, although I have now found him sucking on his fingers since they're now available, which I was hoping to avoid. I might have to surrender that battle. At least he's sleeping well. That might be a tradeoff we are willing to make. Ok, she's now been quiet for 10 minutes, so I better catch a few more z's before dawn.

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