Tuesday, February 14, 2012

red egg party

In the Chinese culture, when a baby reaches a month old, the baby is introduced to friends and family at a red egg party.  This is a celebration of life and a reintroduction of the mother to society.  This is also when the baby is given its name.  Due to the timing of Sylvia and Rafael's twin cousins' red egg party and the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and football season, our red egg was a few months later, but cause for celebration nevertheless.  And what a celebration it was!  Sylvia and Rafael were incredible stars, who didn't fuss one bit, and happily traveled from one set of arms to the next.  And, of course, their outfits were super adorable.  Thanks to Aunt J for lending Sylvia her outfit (and Oma for picking it out in San Fran) and to Mark for bringing Rafael's outfit all the way from the motherland.

Family pics are a bigger challenge these days...

Oma with little Sylvia

1 comment:

Jason Edwards said...

Very cool - fun to hear about the tradition, and love the pictures! Sounds like the kiddos knew that it was their big day and soaked it all in :)