Sunday, August 12, 2012


They were on to something when they named Dora the Explorer. The twinfants are exploring anything and everything. The latest thing I've noticed is that they like climbing into and under things. If they can get under a chair, into a cabinet, under their toys, that's where the party is. Even if it means lots of head banging. I guess that's just part of exploring. Way to use your head...

This is a wonderfully sweet sight. My boys, sitting together and enjoying a wonderful book. On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman and a gift to our babies from Nancy Brennan. Thanks, Nancys!!!

1 comment:

David Vassar said...

For those of you without 20/400 vision, his onesy says: Captain Adorable.

And for all of you, yes, that is MPB creeping onto my crown. I'd not seen that view of myself in a long time...