Friday, November 2, 2012

happy halloween

Kids, I apologize for when you're old enough to read this that we're lame parents and didn't take the time to pick out adorable Halloween costumes, put you in them and take a picture or 10 before you got annoyed with the accoutrements, freed you from the weight and heat of the gear, then put you in bed. We also missed the opportunity to show you off to all the neighbors and fill you with chocolate.

We'll blame it on your colds and less than peak condition. Although it probably has more to do with our lack of creativity and boringness.

Just so you know, we did get into the festive spirit a little and attended a pumpkin carving party. You're too small to carve, not that you didn't want to. But we opted for stickers and paint instead. That would have been a good idea if you didn't want to eat the paint soaked sponge brush.

Hopefully, your fleece hoodie jumper things that we needed for the cold weather sort of count as costumes. I can always photoshop some black noses and whiskers on if it lessens your embarrassment of your lame parents.

We'll do better next year. Maybe.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Those are totally cute - I thought they were costumes at first!