Wednesday, November 14, 2012

i love the zoo

Actually, I used to love the zoo. Now I love, love, LOVE the zoo. Or, I love the zoo, but I love, love, LOVE watching my children enjoy the zoo.

Like most parents, half of our words with our kids are animal sounds. What does the cow say?... MOOOoooOOoooo! Pretty much every book we read has an animal in it. which necessitates making the sound that animal makes as we point to the picture. I guess we think that maybe our kids will learn to speak duck before Spanish or English. So far, Sylvia can speak fish, but that's about it. We'll work on a video of that because it's hilarious. Well, to us, anyway.

Saturday was one of those more rare than a blue moon kind if day that we had absolutely no plans. So, we took the kids to the grocery store in the morning, to the zoo after their morning nap and to the park with my brother's family and Oma and Gong-Gong before dinner, bath, bed. Whew. It was all spectacular, but the zoo was enchanting. I'm certain it's in part because I love going to the zoo. I love all the animals--even the birds and the hoofed animals. And as the zoo is so close to our house and I purchased a membership today, I'm certain my kids will be brainwashed into cherishing that place, too. We might improve our animal impressions, too.

I used to come home with pictures of giraffes and elephants and flamingos and seals and such. Now I apparently only take pictures of my children's intensely curious awe.


David Vassar said...

what a goofy hat.

tuuli said...

Haha that's what I thought too, David! Or really, what I thought was, "what, a sun hat in November? Meanwhile it's sleeting here in NY... hate you guys!" ;)

Zoo with the kids sounds awesome! More for us to look forward to. :)