Friday, December 14, 2012

15 months!

The twoddlers turned 15 months on the 6th.  Which meant, more shots.  And, an "official" weigh-in.

Here are the stats from the visit:

Height: 31.25" (75%)
Weight: 22 lb 3.2 oz (39%)
Head: 18.3" (65%)

Height: 30.25" (23%)
Weight: 21 lb 9.6 oz (12%)
Head: 19" (80%)

Rafa's head continues to pull away disproportionately from his body.  It's probably due in large part to the fact that he doesn't really like eating.  We went out to dinner tonight with some friends and of course he refused to eat anything.  We're not sure if he gets overwhelmed by the sights and sounds because he at least eats a little at home.  In any case, when we got home, we wanted to be sure he didn't wake up at 5am (again), so we let him have pureed fruits/veggies.  And he ate a lot.  So, maybe we just need to go back to baby food and blend our meals, then add applesauce...

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