Sunday, August 18, 2013


We got out of the house!!

Packed 'em in like sardines. But, how wonderful is it to see them all together?!!

And enjoyed a dinner out! I don't know why I was skeptical, it ended up being quite fun. D did hold Oscar most of the time. He did not enjoy the car seat. But since he slept, D could still eat. It probably also helped that we accidentally skipped Sylvia and Rafa's afternoon snack, so they are really well and allowed us to eat, too.

I'm mostly amazed that I was up for the journey. I started feeling much better this morning compared to every other day since Oscar's arrival. Like a new woman appeared this morning. That is wonderful both physically and mentally/emotionally.


Unknown said...

I love Sylvia's expression -- why are you facing the wrong way??? :-)

C said...

Hahsha! She loves being in the middle of all the action.

tuuli said...

Do you have a baby carrier ready for Oscar? That could have left David's hands free to eat. When L was little, our favorite was the Boba wrap:
After a couple tries, we found it really easy to use.

C said...

Tuuli, we do have carriers, a Moby and a bjorn. But, we left them at home. Oops. We'll get better at packing for our 5-family with a little practice... For the time being, Oscar is small enough that D was happy cuddling with him.