Sunday, March 31, 2013

more dancing

I finally got Rafa's moves on video.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

playing in sand

It's a little sad that more people don't know about or don't enjoy the arboretum, but on the positive side, we had a blast exploring and enjoying the grounds without the bustle of lots of people.

The kids had the run of a sand pit playground. We also took a little walk to a pond where there were turtles and fish and a little boy who fell in the mud. A small patch of flowers and piles of rocks were probably the twoddlers faves. I'm certain I haven't found all the rocks hidden in the stroller, diaper bag, pockets, etc.

Friday, March 29, 2013

that's my son...

Eating Cheerios on a fork.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

pics from the park

These are old news for anyone on Facebook, but for those that aren't or missed it...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

que cute!

The struggle to get Rafa to eat continues.  The one thing that has been fairly successful in getting more good stuff into his little body is smoothies.  I can put silken tofu, spinach, and greek yogurt together with frozen fruit and he downs the stuff.  Particularly after a lot of playing outside. That doesn't mean that he's learning to eat food that otherwise seems scary or whatever it is that turns him off (texture?), but at least I don't worry about him having negative health impacts from living on mac n cheese.

Here he even fed his nose a little smoothie.  I'm sure I'll find some mashed into and staining the carpet, but maybe the crazy pattern will hide it forever.  If you come over, don't point it out.  Thanks.

We did have a huge breakthrough, though!  We bought some freeze dried or dehydrated, I have no idea, okra.  Sort of on a whim.  It was one of those display things at the end of the aisle where I was waiting with one child while D got the rest of the shopping list with the other child.  And, I thought, why not?  For those that know me, I'm not an impulse shopper, nor a big fan of okra, so maybe some higher power or mama instinct put the thing in my cart.  Last night while the kids were eating, you guessed it, mac n cheese (with a little tuna hidden inside), D and I opened the okra and each had one.  Naturally, Sylvia wanted one.  But she wants to eat everything.  Much to our surprise, Rafa did, too!!  And then another.  And another...  I think he ate 6.  I don't much about the health benefits of okra, but it's green and not a carb, so if he keeps eating them, I'll buy them every day!

Sylvia is our little chatterbox.  She spends a good 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, babbling in her crib each night before finally drifting off to sleep.  You've seen her read books, but in general her day is one long monologue.  Well, it's starting to be a little more of a conversation, which I adore.  Let's see, her words are: up, MAS! (more), otro (another), baby, ball (although we're really trying for balón), luz (light), and our favorites: Rafa, mami, and papi.  We've been speaking mostly Spanish at home and have asked the nanny to try to also, but it seems there are a few English words that are slipping in.  While we were excited she learned another word, I was a little disappointed to come home and hear her say: cookie!  Partly because it's English and partly because we haven't been feeding them many sweets.  They're lucky they have the nanny to spoil them! 

I've been trying to teach her "Oma" (grandmother in German and the name our family uses for my mom) and "Gong-Gong" (maternal grandfather in Cantonese, which is what we hope they'll call my dad).  So, yesterday, as she was babbling words, I said "Oma" to encourage her to repeat it back and she responded with "Gong-Gong"!  Took me by total surprise.  This stage is going to be really fun for me!  I can't wait to hear what they start saying next!

Monday, March 18, 2013


I'll keep my trap shut and let this picture and video speak for themselves.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


So, the twoddlers have preferences. For those with kids, I know this is no news flash. But somehow it hasn't quite sunk in. You would think that all of the food battles would have made it apparent, but that's not making choices and having preferences, that's just doing everything to make mami and papi crazy.

Well, today Rafa made it clear he knew what he wanted. We were getting dressed to go run errands and got to the shoes. As I was putting on Sylvia's shoes, Rafa ran off to get a pair. Now, mind you, I had already picked out a pair of light blue crocs that matched his outfit that he had been carrying around while I changed clothes.

When he came back, he had a pair of Sylvia's sandals in his hands. 'Patos'! (Short for zapatos, shoes in Spanish.). He was doing his 18-month best to put them on (which means pulling his foot towards himself and putting the shoe next to the foot). I humored him and put them on. He got down and looked at the shoes and got on his tip toes for his first few steps, clearly excited and ran away, dancing. I kid you not, he was delighted. When he came back to play, I tried to take those off and put on the crocs, which I did successfully, but he cried throughout. And kept reaching for the sandals. D and I decided to just let the kid wear the sandals. We have bigger battles to win...

Here he is in complete delight showing off the sandals. This is the face he also had when he got to put the sandals back on.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I have an image in my head from this morning that I can't seem to shake, so it must be special enough to document and share.

When I went into the twoddlers' room to get them up this morning, VERY uncharacteristically, Rafa didn't immediately rush to the side to be airlifted out of his cell, er crib.  So, I picked up Sylvia, chose outfits for the day, and started the morning tasks while Rafa held onto his lovie and chilled.  He started pointing at things on a side table, so I handed him a construction paper butterfly and a dry wipe that we used to attempt to clean his allergy stricken nose last night.  Sometimes we guess what they want when they point, sometimes we are left completely in the dark.  He seemed content with those two things, so I ceased cleaning the top of the table by relocating everything into his crib.  I went about changing Sylvia's diaper and clothes and turned around to catch the moment that has been emblazoned in my head all day. 

Rafa was sitting in his crib with his toy Sammy Owl in his lap.  He had taken the dry wipe and was carefully cleaning Sammy's nose/beak.  I'm so grateful I caught that moment.  I like to think that it reflects a tender side of Rafa trying to care for his toy.  I also like to think of my kids growing up and playing make-believe and beginning to imagine.  Maybe he's just imitating our actions, I'll never know, but it appeared so sweet and imaginative.  And I feel like I just caught a glimpse of what might be flickering through that little brain.

I never would have understood before having kids how these little moments are what make it all worth it.  And I don't think I can explain it to anyone else who doesn't understand.  But I understand now.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

18 months!...One and a half!

The great thing about the 18-month checkup is that there are no shots!! The twoddlers are now one and a half.  I think it's time to switch from months to years.  I just can't keep up with the months anymore, so "one and a half" it is from now until 2.  Here are the stats for those keeping track:

Height - 33.5" (93%)
Weight - 24 lb. 10 oz. (55%)
Head - 18.5" (63%)

Height - 31.5" (26%)
Weight - 23 lb. 3 oz. (15%)
Head - 19.5" (90%)

Takeaways - Sylvia is TALL.  Rafa is small (with a giant head).  I feel a Dr. Seuss rhyme coming on...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

daycare madness

We decided that it would be good for the kiddos to be in a daycare in the fall.  We've heard great things about some programs but also nutty (to me) stories about parents getting up at the crack of dawn to wait in line, nonrefundable registration fees of hundreds of dollars that you lose whether you get in or not, preferences for members of churches and families with kids that somehow already made the list, signing kids up the day they're BORN, letters of recommendation from board members, priority for wealthy families who will become big donors, and on and on.  If you don't know me well, that is not for me. 

So, we heard about a sweet, small program at a sister church of our home church, but near our house.  Our church is far away, which is okay for Sunday morning, not okay for nanny driving the kids around multiple times a week.We heard that it's not a competitive program, more laid back, but still a great place for our kids to be.  I visited and took a tour and I left thinking that it would be SO MUCH FUN for the twoddlers.  So, we did go first thing the morning we could turn in our applications and sort of went on faith that the rumors we heard were true and they'd get in no problem.

And then we got the letter yesterday.  They are numbers 9 and 10 on the wait list.  That's number 9 and number 10 for a class of 12 for their age group.  Apparently they had a much higher rate of applications from families who are members of the church or who already have siblings there.  I'm guessing that they are not likely to be the families that applied to 4 programs and this is their "safety" school.  So, alas, we are now entering the game late to all the other programs in the area.  I suppose this is one downside to living in an area with many incredibly accomplished families.  Just getting our kids IN to a nearby program might be competitive, thwarting all my efforts to be laid back about the twoddlers.

On the up side, there is a program across the street that I heard was quite competitive and so I didn't want to spend the hundreds of dollars on an application fee as a backup when I felt confident our kids would get into the sweet program.  When I called the program across the street, they said that there is a waiting list, but it's short, so it would be worth applying.  And they waived the major application fees since there is a waiting list so that it was only $35 each.  So, off went application #2. 

I should probably look for a third option, but somehow lack the desire. Perhaps the naively optimistic part of me thinks that one of these two will work out...  I suppose at some point I'll get desperate and give up on these two and just put them in a place with space.

More to come, I'm sure!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

more zoo

Our nanny took the kids to the zoo and I just have to share the pics she sent.

Enraptured by the seal. Almost time for swimming!!

And this one just made me laugh!

I'm not sure why, but they love love love ducks.

Friday, March 8, 2013


As the twoddlers grow up, they are starting to express all kinds of emotions. 
Joy.  Pure giggles from being spun around and around.   
Frustration.  Whines, screams, and tears from not getting to eat only cookies for dinner.   
Affection.  At the end of music class the other day, Sylvia and Rafael walked over to each other and embraced in a hug that made the whole room of parents go, "awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!".   
Want.  As in, I only want the toy my twin has. 
Fear.  Don't let that dog get that close to me!   
Pride.  I did it!  I got my sock off all by myself!
Excitement.  You're home!

So, now we're in the stage of helping them learn what to do with all of those emotions.  Which ones to channel, which ones to control, which ones to release yourself into completely and enjoy.  Probably some lessons for ourselves in all of this, too.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013


For those that missed this on Facebook, D was out for the evening at a work event, so the kids and I had cookies!! :-)