Sunday, March 20, 2011


There are many things about all this that leave me in awe, dumbstruck, amazed.  Some things are just incredible, others hard to wrap my head around.  Like, there are two living things in my belly.  Living in my belly!  And they'll one day be babies, children, adults?!?!  And they're only about 1.5 inches long, but on Friday we got to see them kick their legs and wave their arms.  And my body changes daily.  I'm not upset about it, but I can't help stopping and looking in the mirror just a little longer.  It's becoming the body it needs to be to support these little guys, all by itself.  And it's become amazingly efficient.  I don't eat much more than I did in the past--yet, that time is coming soon--but my body now takes more nutrients out of the foods that I eat.  And I'm tired.  I can sleep anytime, anyplace.  In case anyone's reading that doesn't know me, that's a big change.  And the number of hours I have clocked in dreamland is truly amazing.  And the more I learn about everything that's going on and how this all works, the more I'm like a wide-eyed child.  You'd think I've never taken a biology class...

Many people have asked how I'm feeling.  See above for tired.  That's the main thing.  I get a little queasy from time to time, but no real morning sickness.  I'm crampy often, but have been told it's probably just feeling my uterus growing.  (Super glad my doc told me right at the beginning that some women say being pregnant feels like cramps, because I definitely would constantly fear a miscarriage.)  Yesterday I had a headache most of the day (headaches are no stranger), but it has been my first one while pregnant.  So, I've really been very fortunate that with all the hormones raging, I have very little to complain about.

I feel grateful.  I feel tired.  I feel in awe of the miracles.  I feel hungry.  I feel loved by the circle of joy that keeps expanding as more friends learn of our news.  I feel tired...  Good night.


Julia said...

So excited for you guys - congrats. Great blog! I just RSS'ed it so I won't miss anything. Big hug!

C said...

Thanks, Julia!!! Glad you're enjoying! Big hug back!