Thursday, March 10, 2011

Test Drive!

Not everyone gets to test drive twins before theirs are born, so we consider ourselves very lucky. Meet Andrew Sr., Andrew Jr., and Juliana (my bro, my nephew and my niece).  They were born on Friday, so their 1 week birthday is tomorrow.  :)  They are super adorable, only partly because all they do is eat, sleep, and poop. 

Their mom, J, has been a great help from the first day we found out we were expecting dos.  We had already planned to visit her after our doc visit since she was on bedrest, so she got to be the first one to find out her twins would have twin cousins.  (Yeah, that's 4 new grandbabies for my parents in 6 months, be jealous all you grandparents out there, very jealous.)  From the first day J has given us lots of advice, books, and now her experiences for us to learn from.  How lucky are we?!

In other news, we are also in the process of test driving cars.  Penelope is on her last leg, so David has been checking out various options.  So far, we've driven Ford hybrid Focus/Escape, Toyota hybrid Prius/Camry, Hyundai Sonata (hybrids not sold here, yet--booo).  There are still a couple others on the list, hopefully we'll get that done this weekend.  We're not sold on getting an SUV (and no way on the swaggerwagon) and have been told that we don't really need one until we have 3 kids, but I think David is interested in looking at a VW station wagon--not your daddy's kind.  Opinions are always welcome.

Then comes the question of whether I get to keep Cybil...

(well, that's not really her, I'm too lazy to get a pic of her, but you get the idea).  Can you fit 2 rear-facing car seats back there?  At least for loading the kiddos, you could just put the top down and drop them in...maybe even BETTER than an SUV...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I also say how even more excited for you I am that it's double your pleasure in that womb? Congrats to you both!