Monday, September 5, 2011

35 weeks!, labor day, and football

35 weeks!!  We made it!  And it looks like we're blowing right past it...  So, I guess Labor Day won't be our labor day.  Since I'm not laboring in the hospital, we did do a little laboring in the house.  I have to give a shout out to D for spending the morning putting up shelves in the nursery closet.  Home improvement projects are dead last on his list of ways to spend his day off from work, but he sucked it up and with only some minor cursing, got the job done.  And he didn't even have to make a return trip to the hardware store!  I'd say it was a major success.  He was just glad it was time for lunch.

We've spent quite a bit of time watching the beginning of college football season, which has been wonderful to help pass the time and keep my mind off of all the aches and discomfort.  All the football watching has raised some interesting child-rearing questions.  What do we do if our children really, really want to play football but we are concerned for their physical well-being and potential brain damage?  What about screening movies?  Or "strongly encouraging" going to church?  How do we decide where the line is between parental guidance and children's responsibility?  And we're supposed to do all this as a team...  This is going to be interesting...

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