Monday, July 16, 2012

emergency kit

One great suggestion that I got while I was preggo was to pack an emergency kit for the car. Toss into a gallon ziplock bag diapers, wipes, a couple onesies, some emergency formula, a paci, a tranquilizer, you know, the basics. That way, if you forget the diaper bag or have a massive blowout or some other emergency, you'll have backup. Here's the emergency bag I just took out of the car:

Th onesies are too small, the formula has expired, the diapers are too small, and our kids don't use pacis anymore. At least the wipes could still come in handy... The crazy thing is, we did go to Oma and Gong Gong's once and forgot our diaper bag. I'm 99.9% sure the emergency bag was in the glove compartment with all the correct sizes and we forgot how prepared we were. Time to update the bag? Or time to abandon trying to be a girl scout and put more useful things in the glove compartment, like napkins?

1 comment:

eyrieowl said...

I have these under the car seats: (at least, similar products, dunno about brand), keep a pack of wipes and some diapers in the pockets that hang down. Saves space in the glove box, plus you see them frequently and harder to forget they're there. Still useful at nearly 2 years to have an extra pull up or two in the car.