Saturday, July 21, 2012


The struggle for independence is running strong in little miss Sylvia. She is starting to reject being fed and wants to feed herself. I think this a battle I'm not going to fight. Oh, you want me to just sit you down and leave you alone with food for 30 minutes? Done.

Rafa on the other hand can feed himself and can chew foods, but he would still rather eat purées fed to him by someone else. In his defense, Sylvia has four upper teeth and Rafa's top two are only just now coming in. So, chewing is a little more complicated for him.

But, he is also a total mama's boy. He starts crying when I stand up. Even if I'm just going to get him a new toy across the room. He even gets upset in the morning when I try to pass him off to papi. It's sweet, sad, and demanding.

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