Friday, October 5, 2012

1 year checkup

The one year checkup is really a 13 month checkup... 

In any case, here are the stats:

Height: 30.75" (86%)
Weight: 21 lb 3.2 oz (44%)
Head: 18" (62%)

Height: 30.5" (62%)
Weight: 21 lb 3.2 oz (19%)
Head: 19" (90%)

From the numbers, our kiddos are skinny!!

The first year checkup is a fairly torturous event.  They got 4 shots, but the worst was the blood test.  They had their fingers pricked and then squeezed for the longest minutes ever as the nurse filled a tiny tube with drops of blood, one drop at a time.  I'm not sure the pain was all that bad (although I hate finger pricks, so it might have been), but I definitely know that they hate being restrained that long.  There were many tears and lots of lung exercises.

Fortunately,we did get a little fun time in while we waited for the torture.  Here is how we proved to the doctor that Rafa has reached the developmental milestone of imitating us.

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