Monday, October 1, 2012

all in a weekend

We enjoyed hanging out with some DINKs (double income no kids) at the Texans game yesterday who made the mistake of asking us about our weekend. When I finished listing what we did on Saturday, she was exhausted just hearing about it! When you get up between 5:30 and 6, you can get a whole lot done in a day.

Here is a photo from our play date on Saturday with 3 other families. They had a ball pit in their pack n play!!

Sunday morning, we monopolized the swings, but since we were the only people at the park at sunrise, I think it's okay. The kids loved it.

YouTube Video

I don't know why, but I love the way Rafa crosses his feet when he eats.

I also love seeing how Rafa and Sylvia are so different. Here is an example. We got some alphabet magnets. Both kids like taking them off the fridge. Sylvia throws them all over the floor. Rafa collects them in his little hand. Just like when he empties the Kleenex box or plays with toys. He likes to hold on to as many in one hand as possible.

And then there was tailgating with kids. A new experience. We learned we have to pay more attention to the weather when it's not just us...

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