Wednesday, May 18, 2011

belly wars

So, I'm learning that moms are funny creatures.  And, I'll admit, I tend to run in pretty type-A, competitive circles, so I shouldn't be too surprised when those characteristics shine in my friends.  I've started to notice a very funny (to me, at least) thing...the belly wars.  While I feel somewhat terrified of this ever-increasing and physically uncomfortable abdominal circumference (a new term I learned from the technician who measured Baby A's and B's guts, how PC), I've noticed that it is also a source of bragging rights among mamas.  The lady friends of mine that tend to be the most competitive (which can be a source of strength, don't get me wrong) look at me and say, "your belly's not that big".  I can't remember if they actually say or if I just imagine them also saying, "Mine was SO much bigger."  Like growing a belly is a competition.  Mind you, this is a competition I'm happy to NOT win--back pain!  But, I do know a few non-pregnant people I could enter in my stead... I should probably give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are just trying to be nice and make me feel skinny or something by saying that my belly isn't so big.  Fortunately, I don't have any image issues with the bulging belly (at least not yet) and have avoided the urge to get competitive about my girth.  When it comes to tee-ball, though, watch out, cuz my kids are totally going to smoke your kids.

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