Wednesday, May 11, 2011

how are you feeling?

That's the question people seem to ask the most.  Fortunately, for the most part, I feel fine.  Just little things every once in awhile, but really, pretty good. Mostly, I just feel fat.

Another interesting question I got was what do I miss the most.  I think they thought I would say alcohol or sushi.  Probably because for 3 years, each month that we received confirmation that we were not meant to be parents (at the time), we would go out for a wonderful dinner of sushi and vino.  Mmmmmm.  Really, what I miss most, though, is exercise.  Or even activity in general.  Hard to believe, but I've started slowing my life down a little.  I'm now even home a couple evenings a week!  I also watch the tube from time to time.  Shocking, I know.  Although yesterday it gave me a headache after just an hour.  How do people do it?

I have now gone swimming a couple times since that's the only exercise my conservative doc allows me to do.  It is heavenly.  In part because I get to do a little exercise.  In part because being pregnant in the pool is the most comfortable place to be.  My fertility doc's first question when he found out we were having twins in September (therefore suffering through the Houston August when I will be too big to move) was "do you have a pool?"  "No..."  "You might want to put one in!"  Now I know what he was talking about.  And it's not even unbearably hot, yet.  Nor am I unbearably big, yet.  A friend of a friend took a horse trough and rolled it into their backyard for summer soaking.  We might need to look into that...

Pool party, anyone?

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