Thursday, May 19, 2011

charley horse!!

OK, so how come nobody told me about these?!?!?!!!  My blissful slumber was RUDELY interrupted this morning by a TERRIBLE pain in my right calf.  I couldn't move my leg.  So, I rolled my body out of bed (which, btw, is quite a sight to see in and of itself because I essentially toss my legs over the side of the bed to use as leverage to catapult my upper body up from its horizontal pose).  Mind you, my right leg is not exactly being cooperative in this maneuver.  A couple stretches is all it ended up taking to make the pain tolerable.  Of course, there was no going back to sleep at that point.  So, I turned to my trusty, middle-of-the-night companion, the internet.  And I even had something to research!  Turns out, for all you prospective mothers out there, leg cramps are pretty darn common during your second and third trimester.  Inexplicable, but common.  Most of the weird, physical changes that I've experienced I've been able to chalk up to some sort of evolutionary or beneficial-for-the-babes rationale.  This one, though, I got nothing.  I see no redeeming value whatsoever.  Well, except that now I have a good excuse to go get a massage...

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