Friday, May 6, 2011


I have always enjoyed reading.  I started wearing glasses at the ripe age of 8 - at the time kids glasses were undoubtedly not cool and I was the first in my class, maybe the whole elementary school to wear glasses.  This was probably due in part to my trying to read anywhere and everywhere, including in the car at night waiting until the next streetlamp to catch the next sentence.

It seems that the authority of the Books has replaced the wisdom of prior generations and communities in sharing information related to the adventure of bearing and rearing children.  I know that my mother has lamented with her friends and family across the Atlantic that young parents often ignore the advice of their parents (who obviously have some experience and with their genes) and rely more heavily on the sacred Books.  So, this one doesn't seem limited to my immediate circles, which, admittedly often have their own unique ways.

Naturally, I have acquired numerous of said Books.  There has always been a stack of books on my bedside table at least half a dozen high.  Right now, the stack is predominately borrowed Books.  Here's a taste of some of the Books on my nightstand.

Although I'm a bookworm at heart, I am not a biology/medicine person.  The supposed Bible of motherhood is:
We were loaned this book immediately after we mentioned our first pregnancy in 2005.  I think I read about 2 paragraphs before getting overwhelmed with uninteresting information and passed it over to my dear hubby to read and give me the Cliff's Notes version.  This probably helps explain my difficulty with the NT scan.  When it comes to medicine, I don't really want to know about all the things that could possibly go wrong.  I prefer to be on a need to know basis.  Tell me what is going on and let me blissfully ignore any other possibilities.  OK, so this one has migrated to the hubby's nightstand, but I can't write about the Books without including this one.

There have been a few Books that I have enjoyed.  I have focused mostly on books specifically for parents of twins since I have fewer live resources to rely on.  One of my particular faves is:
This was a hilarious read with very candid comments about this mom's experience.  She also gave some wonderful practical advice for dealing with the insanity that is to come. 

A friend in one of my book clubs just gave me a bag full of interesting-looking reads.  Here are two that I'm looking forward to:
I have also read from cover to cover and have given to the hubby to read the following other sacred gem.  Even after reading it, I'm still pretty intimidated by the thought of feeding and sleep synchronizing TWO babies when we've never even tried with one...

Even though I am cruising through many of the Books, I do think that most of my advice is coming from women I know that have gone before me.  Last night at book club, the resounding advice was, read all the Books, then forget what they said and figure out what works for your kid(s).  I definitely stayed up way past my bedtime soaking up all of the advice and wisdom that my friends had to offer.  Since I happen to think my mom did a pretty fantastic job and has the goods to prove it, I hope to benefit from lots of her wisdom, too!  After all, it takes a village.  I wonder what it takes to raise two?...

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block? This is the book that was most helpful for me. I HIGHLY recommend utilizing all 5 S's!!! Oh, and Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. The second is great even if they don't have problems in just understanding our sleep rhythms and how it all works best etc.