Monday, May 2, 2011

sleeping like a baby

So, not to brag or anything, but the only real pregnancy issue that I've had is incredible fatigue.  During the first trimester, I think all I did was sleep, go to work, sleep, eat dinner, and sleep some more.  Which, for someone as active as me, was a major life change.  I haven't had morning sickness or any major food cravings or aversions.  Some headaches and congestion (who knew pregnancy can cause sinus congestion?!), but I've always had those, so hard to blame on pregnancy.  Well, I have had some forgetfulness, or at least, when "necessary" I blame that on being pregnant.  :) 

But, the fatigue has been overwhelming.  Now that I'm entering the second trimester, it is getting better.  I do, however, still "sleep like a baby".  Which, to me, means that I often get up at least once during the night to go to the bathroom.  And I also wake up (often around 3am) when my stomach is empty and after a big glass of milk, fall back into a deep slumber.  This sometimes even means getting up in the morning for breakfast and being so overwhelmed by sleepiness after my bowl of cereal that I sleep for another hour or so.  Did I mention that I also nap at the office after lunch?  I feel a little bit like I'm getting a taste of what the little ones will go through.  Perhaps it's also training for middle of the night feedings and catnaps whenever I can sneak one in.

Since I'm now sleeping more, I'm sure the hubby (who comes from a long line of good sleepers) is enjoying the extra hours of sleep.

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