Wednesday, December 7, 2011

hernia update

D had work out in the Woodlands today, which might as well be out of town.  So, our dear friend, Candy, agreed to accompany me to the hospital for Sylvia's appointment with the pediatric surgeon.  That was a huge relief to me, partly because I'm terrible at asking all the right medical questions and remembering what I'm told, and partly because if I went on my own, I'm certain both babies would lose it.

We walked over to the hospital, which put the kiddos right to sleep so they could be on their best behavior.  We first got to chat with "Mike" (I think he's a resident), who gave us the low down on the surgery and what to expect.  We learned that we definitely need to have the surgery done, that we need to wait until she grows enough to handle a tube down her throat for the anesthesia and that it's likely day surgery and she'll be back to herself in a couple days.  Candy was phenomenal in asking good questions, taking notes, and making sure we covered everything.  So good, that I think Mike thought that we were couple and she is one of the parents of the twins.  Two women come in with twins...

Mike fetched the surgeon who is also a member of twins club and who explained what is going on and what surgery will be like.  Turns out, it's probably not her intestines that pop out, but her ovaries!  Strange.  We will have an ultrasound in January, on Epiphany, also their 4-month birthday, to confirm that surgery needs to be done.  Then, we will go in for surgery on Friday, the 13th.  It should be day surgery unless there is an anesthesia is that requires an overnight stay.

Amazingly, throughout the entire visit, both babies were incredibly calm and didn't cry, even when the docs were poking at Sylvia.  And, probably also since I didn't go alone, because what's the fun in that?  We were even more amazed that in the giant waiting room at Texas Children's, which was filled with, you guessed it, children, we never heard a single child crying.  It was quite surreal.  They must be pumping something into the air.  I might start taking the babies on all our afternoon walks over there and just hang out in the waiting room.

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