Friday, December 23, 2011

no, there weren't any witnesses...

Sylvia said, "Mama".  Clearly and distinctly, two syllables, both beginning with an Mmmmm sound.  And guess who was sitting in front of her.  You're right.  Me.  I told D about it and he asked if there were any other witnesses.  No, there weren't.  But I promise she did.  Never mind that she is probably just testing out consonants and in no way associated the Mmmm sound with me.  Never mind that she's a little congested and she was probably just making different sounds as she tries to breathe while jabbering.  She clearly said, "Mama".  I heard it with my own two ears.  And as soon as I go write it down in her baby book, it'll be as good as gospel.

Merry Christmas to me!

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