Thursday, December 22, 2011

pics of the latest tricks

Each of the VassariƱos is choosing their own skills to excel at. Having twins really makes you realize that kids develop at their own rate and there's no need to worry too much about the developmental milestones if one is advanced or behind. Somehow, these amazing beings figure out what they need to figure out.

Here is Sylvia lifting her head and checking out the world. She doesn't want to miss a thing!

And here is Rafael grabbing and holding onto his new toy. Sylvia has no interest in inanimate objects. And Rafael sees no need to lift his head and look around. These differences will help make them uniquely endearing and help them escape the curse of always being lumped together as a pair.


Taran said...

It will be pretty cool to continue to watch their differences as they grow!

CCA said...

No way!!!

OK, I'm a believer.
The second great gift for today!