Friday, December 9, 2011

work and family

Much to my surprise, in the past month, I've lost more sleep stressing about trying to figure out a return to work with my firm that makes sense for all involved than from babies' demands. I guess I always thought I had found the place where I could balance work and family. But, we seem to be struggling to figure something out. Maybe I should have expected it since I know it has been a struggle for so many, but I naively didn't think it would be this hard. I now have a more profound respect for women and their employers who have found solutions to this dilemma. It's only a little ironic to me that I work at a majority women-owned firm...

I guess I'll have to resort to counting sheep (or my version, counting down from 300 by 3s) to see if I can catch a few Zs before the next feed. Hopefully, I won't reach zero!

1 comment:

Karen said...

The truth can shock is a challenge but it can be managed. You are blessed to have such a devoted father to your children. Two make the load more bearable. Not all women are as lucky!