Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the nanny search

The search for the VassariƱos' primary care giver has begun. We had thought we were saved from this whole drama because we were working with a wonderful lady who came from time to time to help me out. She cared for a friend's child for 18 years. Unfortunately, I learned that she smokes. She claims it's only social, but I smelled it on her a few times. I might be a crazy mom (this is now the second that didn't work out if you count the night nanny), but my pedi said that if I smell it, the babies are inhaling it. And imagine all the cuddling and burping, etc. that puts them in close proximity to the grossness. I'm also probably more turned off than the average person by cigarette smoke. Ew.

So, back to the drawing board. I keep telling myself that nobody will do everything exactly like I would, so I need to be sure that the disqualifying characteristics are really objectionable. It seems like there is a quirk for just about everyone. Two nannies want to leave by 5pm, which I can't guarantee on a regular basis with the current offer from my workplace. I just learned that another works for someone we know and we don't want to be a nanny stealer! Fortunately, we have a few more leads and a little more time, but the process is certainly very exhausting. I do think we've met some really wonderful ladies along the way and it's more about finding the right situation than a quality person.

Off for our (2x/week?) walk to CVS. The CVS employees will probably be glad when I don't get to bring the giant stroller in any more next year. They probably think I pilfer shampoo under the blankets...

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