Wednesday, July 27, 2011

29 weeks!

We hit 29 weeks on Monday--woo hoo!! 

The good news, babies are still growing, they are now both over 3 lbs!  Also, my body has essentially stopped progressing in labor and has held steady since the measurements that were done 2 weeks ago in the hospital, so bed rest is working.  That means that the most important things are moving along nicely.

The not so good news, I had some tests done that came back with not ideal results.  And to top it all off, my doc is out of town this week.  So, I took the test results to a couple other docs to give recs on what to do next.  The two issues were elevated glucose and problems with my thyroid hormone.  In 2008, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (hypothyroid, so slow metabolism).  Fortunately, my fertility doc who is a reproductive endocrinologist offered to help monitor that if my OB wanted and he increased my meds to take care of the thyroid issue. 

As for the glucose test, I sort of fell apart.  I just did a short 1-hour screening test.  The high for normal is somewhere between 135 and 145 depending on how conservative the doctor is.  My results came back at 146.  Which means that I need to go through more testing to see if I have gestational diabetes.  This is typically done through a 3-hour diagnostic test.  Problem for me is that I did this test when I was first diagnosed with PCOS (which likely caused my fertility issues) and it made me really ill.  Plus, I was told that you're not supposed to drink any water for those 3 hours, which could cause more contractions.  So, I was a little terrified of the 3-hour test and ending up in the hospital again for contractions.  My MFM doc told me not to worry about a transient condition (if I do have gestational diabetes, it will go away when the babies are born) and to save my worries for more important things, like the Middle East.  :)  She said rather than the 3-hour test, I can just prick my finger and check my blood sugar 3-4 times a day for 3 days.  Well, I've also always been pretty terrible with shots and needles.  Fortunately, I've had to give myself lots of shots related to the fertility treatments, so I'm a little better, but I know the finger pricks are more painful.  I have watched my nearly 13-year old niece prick her finger without batting an eyelash, so it's time for me to grow up! 

All in all, these are not major issues, just things that need to be managed.  I also asked the MFM if I can sit up a little and she said that would be okay for eating and from time to time.  So, I think I'm somewhere in between strict bed rest and modified bed rest.  In any case, it made me feel much better about how things are going even if I don't change my routine much.

It was a little bit of an eventful day, but at the end of it, I'm very optimistic about how things are going.

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