Sunday, July 24, 2011

getting some z's

Friday night was not a good night.  I awoke with a stomach ache, which also contributed to a series of contractions, which then made me worry we'd end up in the hospital again...  Fortunately, after a few crackers and some serious attempts at putting all that out of my head and just relaxing, the contractions dissipated.  I slept a little more, but probably not what my body needed.

Fortunately, the contractions weren't bad yesterday, but unfortunately, either because of the wear and tear on my body from the contractions or from not sleeping well, yesterday was not a good day.  I ached all over and couldn't get comfortable most of the day.  Which made me a grouch and just generally unpleasant.  Fortunately, last night was back to normal (waking every 2 hours or so for a bathroom break), but otherwise sleeping well.  Today's not over, but I feel a MILLION times better.  Physically, emotionally, everything.  Whereas yesterday I felt selfish for having moments of not wanting to suffer much longer, today I feel like I can make it through the next 42 days.

Hubby seems to be hanging in fairly well, too.  Yesterday was a big day of running errands and comforting his grouchy wife.  He's still happily fetching refills of water (hydration is key to keeping contractions at bay) and whatever whims or needs I might have.  He might even try his hand at baking today!  I wonder if there might be any lingering effects of all of this after the babies arrive...  :)

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