Tuesday, July 19, 2011

bed rest and gestating are hard work!

Whoda thunk that lying around all day could be so stinking exhausting?  I anticipated that I would be really antsy to be out of bed and struggle with not having much physical activity.  I have been very shocked to discover that I actually have very little energy and even the simplest things leave me winded and exhausted.  Like talking.  It has always come so naturally and even energized me, yet now, carrying on long conversations leaves me needing a nap!  Not that I'm going to stop having them, of course, I just have to be sure I rest before and after a fun visit with friends and family.  Or perhaps it's God's way of trying to teach me to be a better listener...

Contractions have been really infrequent yesterday and today.  Yay!!


Teresa Orsborn said...

Hang in there, the babies are taking a lot of you to grow and it is natural to feel tired. Trust me, rest now because if one is hard work (specially at night) two will be even more. You can do it!!!!!

C said...

Tere, thanks for the encouragement!! If you ever want to come down and share some techniques, we'd be more than happy to have you help out, I mean, show us the ropes. :)