Friday, July 29, 2011

sneak peek

We got a couple sonogram pics from our last visit.  So, these are from the beginning of the 30th week.

Baby B's face hiding behind the hammer looking thing.  You should be able to see his left eye, nose and mouth.

Baby A - hand over her ear (we think) like she's talking on the phone and facing right.

She has always been shy.  First, she didn't want to show her goods so we would know if she were a she or a he, now she's hiding her face from the camera.  I'm not sure how I would produce a shy girl, although I suppose it took me many years to come out of my shell.  Just seems strange considering how not shy I am now...

Pretty amazing to think that they are recognizable babies at this point.  Even more remarkable that we have "photos" from inside my belly. 

I'm feeling really good these days.  Don't know if it's because I'm less stressed about bed rest, so I'm also physically feeling better or if I'm getting used to it or what, but I'm generally optimistic about carrying these kiddos for awhile and adjusting well to the life horizontal.

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