Saturday, July 30, 2011


I am often asked if I get bored being on bed rest.  I haven't really gotten bored, there are just too many things I enjoy doing, even horizontally.  I get uncomfortable and want to be more active, but that's not really the same thing as being bored.  My typical schedule has been something like this:

6am - wake up, check email, read news
7am - breakfast in bed
8am - morning exercises
9am - read in bed, continue checking email and start responding to and delegating work responsibilities
10 am - prepare for big move
11 am - go downstairs to sofa bed for change of scenery
noon - work, read, cross stitch, crossword puzzles
1pm - lunch
2pm - more work, reading, cross stitch, crossword puzzles
6pm - hang out with the hubby and chat about his day
7pm - dinner 
8pm - watch baseball with the hubby
9pm - prepare to go upstairs
10pm - go upstairs and evening exercises
3am - read news, emails, facebook, preggo people daily updates, daily devotional, check news again in case something new broke, count backwards from 300 by 3s trying to go back to sleep

Bear in mind that these are the main, everyday things.  Numerous visitors have come to bring lunch or dinner or just to chat and catch up, which is wonderful.  I've also had to go to a few doctor's appointments and tests, which gets me out of the house!!  Most of those activities don't fill each hour, either, just a guideline.  I have very frequent bathroom breaks and also rest and listen to music quite often in between all of those activities throughout the day. 

Below is where I spend my days.  I have permission to go up and down the stairs once a day, so I spend a few hours in the morning upstairs in a our bedroom and a couple more in the evenings.

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