Thursday, September 29, 2011

L'shana Tovah

In celebration of Rosh Hashana, D took today off (along with his boss).  It was nice to have him home for the day.  Last night wasn't the best night.  Sylvia decided to have some uncomfortable gas that kept a few of us awake for many hours.  That made me not such a happy camper today, so having D home helped keep me from throwing in the towel on the breastfeeding, pumping, and everything that seems to make this more difficult.  Of course, switching to alternate methods will likely have challenges of their own. 

Fortunately, today has been a good day.  The kiddos have been relatively calm with not too much gas.  I have been able to sit through the whimpers and whines and am getting better at not feeling heartbroken every time I hear them and I don't always automatically assume that they are experiencing the worst tummy pain imaginable.

It's hard to believe that we haven't yet had them both home for a full week.  It feels like it's already been a month.  Both in that I'm exhausted and in that I think we're starting to get in the swing of things.

Please keep the prayers coming that the gas doesn't turn into colic.  So far, I think we're steering clear.  Miss Sylvia seems to get uncomfortable almost exactly 2 hours after we start her feed.  She goes through about 6-10 wailing sessions where she tends to soothe herself right when we get up or get to her door to go try to calm her down.  Rafael doesn't want to be left out and plays the same ruse a few times, but doesn't seem to be quite as bothered by Sylvia.  Hopefully, we'll learn and stop getting up at some point.  Then they both go back to sleep for 30-45 minutes until it's time to feed again.

We might get around to snapping some pics one of these days, although they mostly just hang out in their burrito swaddles and you can only see their little heads peeking out the top.  They are super cute little heads, though, and definitely warrant some photos.


Jenn said...

We are experiencing the same gas issues. Our pedatrician says it is a result of the good bacteria developing in their digestive systems.

Brandy Hew said...

both of my boys had terrible bubbly tummies. the doc suggested putting mylacon(Iused walmart brand) in every bottle, and assured us that it wouldn't harm them. it worked...we used it pretty much until they started crawling...