Monday, August 15, 2011

32 weeks!

And still hanging on!  Not much to report except that this is the date that it seems like most docs start breathing easier.  So, woooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! 

The belly continues to expand.  But, the kiddos must be expanding faster.  My belly is so tight that it's getting harder to tell when I have contractions since it sort of feels like I constantly have one long one.  I also have to run to the bathroom much more frequently, which is also a guessing game because I keep getting kicked in the bladder, so I never know if the urge is truly a bathroom break need or just another swift kick.  The other change I'm really noticing is that it's getting harder and harder to breathe well.  I have to consciously take bigger breaths to get normal amounts of air.

It's still pretty incredible to think that in about a month or less, our little family of 2 will be 4...

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