Friday, August 12, 2011

tgif and randomness

TGIF!  Which doesn't really mean a whole lot to me, since I work about the same amount every day of the week--just enough to keep up with everything that I haven't passed on to everyone at the firm.  But, it does mean I'll get to have more of my hubby's company the next couple days (unless I send him on lots of errands...).  This is perhaps the first weekend EVER that I have absolutely nothing on the calendar (tonight doesn't count).

We might actually sell Cybil this weekend.  And by "we" I mean my hubby along with the help of a friend whose wife graciously volunteered him to help.  Love you guys!

I have my first signs of stretch marks on my belly.  They yucky red, permanent kind.  Boo.

Only 23 days left until Labor Day!  Yay!

I've stopped pricking my finger for the time being.  My glucose levels are within normal unless I splurge on dessert, wait too long to eat, or take the contraction medication, so I think we're pretty confident we can keep this under control.

And, I finally signed up for Amazon Mom to get all the random things we still need to get and have started putting together a hospital bag.  Now that I'm getting closer to 32 weeks, I guess I'm admitting it's okay to prepare for having to go to the hospital.  As if denying that possibility really made a difference...

Our rug for the nursery came in.  Yeah, so I've gotten a rug for the nursery, but no monitor. 

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