Tuesday, August 9, 2011

doc appointment

Another week, another doctor's appointment... 

Babies are growing.  Not quite as much as I had hoped and he's starting to outgrow her (which can be bad if he starts stealing too much from her).  She is 3 lbs. 8 oz. and he is 3 lbs. 14 oz.  I'm guessing their decline is because I've changed my eating habits to try to keep the blood glucose in check.  Somewhere, there's the perfect balance of contraction meds, blood glucose, and calories.  Just gotta figure it out...

They kiddos are totally crammed in there.  She's head down and now he's breach, so they're sort of like yin/yang or the pisces fish. 

I think it might be the only way they can fit in my crammed belly.  I'm still counting contractions and that seems to be the main thing for me to watch.  I'm now allowed 6 an hour, so if they're less than 10 minutes apart, take the meds, if they still don't stop, call the doc...

We got a couple new pics.  They're not spectacular, but hopefully the hubby can scan tomorrow and I can post sometime in the near future. 

So, it sounded like everything was okay.  At least, the doc didn't send me immediately to the hospital or tell me I needed to do anything differently.  She just said, see you next time!

She was leaving my appointment to go perform surgery on a baby who didn't look good, so say a prayer for those parents...  So grateful we're at 31 weeks!!

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