Thursday, August 18, 2011

another day, another doctor's appointment

Heartbeats are good.  Movement is good.  Fluid is good.  We're all good.

Doc even said that if I make it another 10 days, at 34 weeks, he'll lift some of my bedrest restrictions.  Woo hoo!! 

That being said, I was so tired today, I dozed off and on until 11am and am pretty wiped out for the rest of the day.  So, even if the restrictions get lifted, I'm not sure I'll be able to do a whole lot more than what I'm doing now, anyway, which is very little.

Good news is that doc said if we HAD to deliver now, the outcome would likely be excellent.  Yay!  Not that we want to, we still want to try to get to 36 or 37 weeks, but it was still very reassuring and wonderful to hear.

I think I'll celebrate with a nap...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaaay!! :) So glad you're doing well and what GREAT news!!! -Diana, BWM